Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Talking Points #1

McIntosh "White Privilege Knapsack"

  1. I find the concept that one racial group having privilege means another is disadvantaged difficult to understand sometimes. I completely understand the concept but I think the way in which the various authors we have read phrase this idea sets me back a little. I've always been taught to work hard in life and you will be rewarded, never anything about the benefits I get simply for being white, middle class, straight, etc. Is this a part of what Peggy McIntosh sad when she mentioned that we are taught to see racism as it puts others at a disadvantage but never ourselves as the advantage?
  2. One of Peggy's points that I found interesting was number five which stated that she can turn on the television and seeing her race widly represented. This makes me wonder about television series and sitcoms that focus on families of color. What is it that causes these shows to be popular or to get shut down? Is there success based on how similar they can act to a white family if people can't actually watch them as a white family? And what do people have to say about Disney's new princess of color?
  3. Peggy lists twenty-six privileges she can attribute to her race, most of which I had never even considered before. As I was reading them I had to wonder how many of these directly affect and speak of my life and my privilege? Things like flesh toned bandages and easily finding a hair salon that people don't even think twice about.


  1. I never thought about flesh colored bandages either. I found that very interesting once it was brought to my attention. Large companies don't even consider minorites. And I wrote about the hairdresser privilege. Once again, a privilege that I have without even realizing it. This class is bringing so much to the table that I never would have even thought about before.

  2. Really excellent points, Steph. I can tell this made you think about yourself in new ways. You ask great questions that really show off the fact that she made you think! Don't be afraid to use HYPERLINKS in your post when you talk about thinks like the new Disney princess... use the blog technology to connect to other sites on the web.

  3. I would have to agree with the things you say in number three. A lot of the points that she brings up I never actually considered because they never were brought to my attention about being a "privilege." I think it's because even though we have always been a part of these twenty-six things we have just seen them as normal, we have never had to "know" any other way to live. I believe that Peggy makes you think a lot more about our lived then we normally would.

  4. Flesh colored bandages definitely got me also. I don't know if anyone has really thought about that and it's a really good point. She does make you think alot about life than you would on a daily basis.
